Monday, October 13, 2008

Great improvement!

Scruffy's doing very well. Moving around normally - although he seems to prefer to stay on the bed, eating as usual (like a horse!), peeing okay and has finally pooped (after 6 days and Miralax), and in general, being his old self. Headbutting and a hairball. He is not fussing with the eye, although I do believe that his face must hurt still, because he is cautious about, for example, laying down (without the cone on) on that side of his head, and he still does an odd thing - seems surprised, or something - when he yawns. There seems to be some swelling left around the eye, but it's hard to tell. The fur's been shaved there, and it could be that those bones have ALWAYS stuck out..... He has been incredibly cooperative with the medications - ten times a day, but several of them will be given less often after tomorrow - the 7th day since surgery. I've kept the bedroom blinds closed, which he seems to still need. There's good light from the bathroom window, but he never goes in there, which I interpret to mean that light is still uncomfortable. (`I moved the litter box into the bedroom.) His atropine eye ointment was reduced to every other day, so that may make a difference in his reaction to light. The only difficulty medically at this point seems to be the sinus infection, for which he's taking zithromax, but he's thrown up two days in a row within twenty minutes of taking the pills, so I don't know if he's gotten much benefit from them or not. (Yes, I did sickeningly poke around in the STUFF, which he very thoughtfully placed every single drop of in the food bowl, but I couldn't identify anything that looked like the pills.) He is very snorty and congested, although there does seem to have been minimal improvement.

I'm not sure what to do about letting him out of the bedroom. The last two mornings, he's been sitting at the screen door waiting for his breakfast, and I know he'd like to see what's going on in the living room. But, given Busy's propensity for gnawing on the other cats, and Toot the Brute's chasing habits, I just think he's better off being separated for another week or so. We'll see, I guess.

His pupil is still very enlarged (from the atropine, I assume.) I can't see the edges of his iris, where the melanosis/noma tissue is hopefully shrinking significantly. I am making up a list of questions I want to be sure to remember to ask when we go for his follow-up appointment on the 28th of October.

Forgot to add that his glucose levels have been very good. Highest I found was 102, yesterday was 63, today was 72 (but I had to poke him THREE times - I seem to have lost the knack. Well, it was a little dark to see the blood on his dark ear.....) What a relief.

It's so nice to have him back again. I've been spending a couple hours a day snuggling with him, and it's wonderful. (Okay, we've been napping for much of that time, but it's STILL nice!) He is truly a treasure.

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