Tuesday, November 1, 2011

6/14/11 - catching up on ophthalmology

We're still having the every-four-months-appointments.  And eyewise, things have been good.   The eye-dryness measure (I don't know what its actual name is - they put a small tab of treated paper in each eye and hold it closed for a few seconds; I posted a picture of it before) which is reported as "STTs" on the appointment record,  was 12 in the right eye, and 13 in the left eye.  The eye pressure,  which is how the glaucoma is monitored -  was very good - 11 in the right eye, 13 in the left.  (The melanoma and surgery were in the left eye.)  Although I haven't taken any pictures of his eyes to Dr. B. lately, he feels that there has been no change in the melanosis that remains in the right eye.   It always looks a little more spread out to me; I do need to photograph it, I think.  At any rate, if it's growing, it's doing it very slowly.

At the end of this appointment, the technician mentioned that I was to continue putting the Azopt in BOTH eyes.  I didn't know that.  I could swear that I never heard Dr. B. even say that he needed the drops in both eyes.  So, obviously, I hadn't been doing it.   And Scruffy's personality changes had not improved - adding even one more drop of that thick white stuff was just likely to make him even less cooperative.   The essence of it is, I am keeping two drops a day in the back of my mind, but the reality is, when there appears to be no problem with the pressure in the right eye, I just don't know if it's going to get done until it becomes medically unavoidable.

Aside from that, the appointment summary was:

OU (both eyes):  lens sclerosis
OD (right eye):  focal iris pigmentation site (ventral quadrant) 6:00 position
OS (left eye):  previous laser surgery (for iris mass) - no evidence of regrowth.

We had the usual discussion of Scruffy's presumptive age again - almost three years ago, Dr. B. said that he felt, judging from the condition of  his eyes, that he was between 10 and 13 years old.  So, that would make him somewhere between 13 and 16 now, I guess. And he continues to have adequate vision in the eye that had the tumor, which is good.  All in all, except for the spitting and hissing and biting that went on, a pretty good trip.  (Except for the guy in the waiting room with the enormous black dog with the ear-piercing barking.  One of the technicians said that he has three more of that same dog - can't remember the brand - at home.  I hope he wears a hearing aid that he can turn off.....)

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