Okay, a month of pretty much one horrible number after another in December. (Not that January appears to be planning to be a whole lot better....) Anyway, I've been distracted and busy and depressed, among other things, and haven't spent much time trying to get Scruffy organized.
Started a new Levemir pen. Didn't notice much difference. He's had a long seige with very active herpes stuff going on - snorting, sneezing, eye watering, and lousy numbers. And the iris melanosis in his left eye has grown significantly. I called and asked that the ophthalmologist call me to discuss it - we'd left the situation that I'd monitor the size of the thing, and she would check and see what she could find out about laser removal before it turns into an actual melanoma. Which didn't exactly happen - I called, but it took her three days to call back, and when she did, she left a message that I had to come in and bring Scruffy, and then she'd tell me what she'd found out about laser surgery. (She had said at the last appointment that she had no experience with it.) I'll bet that the ophthalmologist at that nice hospital in Akron does laser surgery......
I have been STILL putting off getting his bloodwork done, too. I just hate putting all three of us - Scruffy, me, and Dr. G. - through all that commotion. I do want to get the fPLI test done again. I finally got a copy of the first results:
test done on 5/25/06; results - 6.8
reference range - 2.0 - 6.8 (coincidentally?)
I noticed from a link that Hope posted the other day that they're supposed to fast for 12 hours prior to the fPLI test - I don't know if Scruffy had been fasted or not, but I kind of think NOT, since I wasn't aware of that. Anyway, it's on the Things To Do (Someday) List. I also ordered Marin and Denosyl for Milkshake and for Scruffy to take - Milk because of the phenobarb, and Muffer just on general purposes. Made by the same company that makes the Cosequin that he's so unfond of - he told the animal communicator/neurologist from Ohio State, Dr. W., that he didn't NEED Cosequin. It stinks like something burned. I hope the two new ones aren't as unpleasantly fragrant. (I ordered them from an online place - VetAmerica, I think it was called. And days after I placed the order - and PAID - I got an email from them that said, "We regret to inform you that your order for #260806 Bird Sulfa has been cancelled. We will not be stocking this item any more." So, I called them and said, #1 - I don't even know what "Bird Sulfa" is, and #2 - I didn't order any. The person from VetAmerica disappeared four different times, leaving me to listen to some of the most annoying Muzak ever. When she came back, she said that the Bird Sulfa email was an error - it wasn't intended for me to receive. But, unfortunately, they only have one box of Marin in their warehouse, and they won't be restocking it, so the essence of the mistaken email was still true. Did I want the one box they had? Instead of the two boxes I'd ordered to save $6 on the postage? I don't
thinnnnnnk so..... Geez.)
Oh, well.