Friday, November 23, 2007

I can't believe it, but.....

this is still going well! Amazing doesn't describe it. And for the last three or four days, he's been getting only .5 units BID.

According to my meter, here are his average glucose levels:

47 tests^^^^^^^7 days^^^^^ 129
96 tests^^^^^^ 14 days^^^^^ 141
215 tests^^^^^ 30 days^^^^^ 160
440 tests^^^^^ 60 days^^^^^ 191
658 tests^^^^^ 90 days^^^^^ 198

Aside from the incredibly improved numbers, I am filled with appreciation for the wonder of my tubby little cat who allowed me to poke that many holes in his torn ears. What a good and patient boy he is.

Why, oh, why did I let that Levemir sit in the fridge for 9 months before I got the courage to use it?

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